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Trinidad and Tobago 2-0 Cuba: Soca Warriors clinch appearance in Gold Cup quarterfinals

Sheldon Bateau

Sheldon Bateau, Trinidad and Tobago


The 16-man squad of Cuba fell to Trinidad Tobago in Gold Cup play at University of Phoenix Stadium and finalized the Soca Warriors’ advancement into the quarterfinals.

The Cubans remain at the bottom of the Group C table, where Trinidad has moved into the first spot--a win ahead of second-place Mexico, who will clash against Guatemala later tonight.

Trinidad and Tobago did well on the defensive end, only allowing two shots within the penalty box from the Cubans’ lack of successful moves forward. Trying near the left edge of the six-yard box, Maykel Reyes couldn’t find twine in the 44th minute following goalkeeper John Michael Williams’ determined break-up.

The netminder was injured here and replaced by Marvin Phillip for the remainder of match. Four minutes later, Reyes saw his effort blocked down on the opposite border of the area.

In the 17th minute, Trinidadians captured the momentum by scoring first after Sheldon Bateau cleaned up a threatening sequence at the doorstep. Cuba keeper Diosvely Guerrasan made an excellent initial stop but on the next endeavor, was unable to cover up for his side’s absence of defensive urgency.



Then in the 42nd minute, midfielder Andre Boucaud executed first-class technique to drill a strike from outside the box, doubling the advantage. Daniel Cyru’s throw-in deflected away from the goal line and luckily landed on the feet his fellow countryman.

