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Paris Saint-Germain changes logos. Again.

New PSG logo

I was about to twist off on Paris Saint-Germain for changing its logo, for rejecting the very element that makes soccer supporters in the New World so very jealous: that European soccer comes attached to real history.

I was aware that Paris Saint-Germain’s relatively late establishment (in 1970) made it much younger than most of the European heavyweight clubs. Still, that’s a good, solid 40 years and change.

But then I did the research. Turns out, PSG changes logos about as often as Larry King changes wives.

So, I guess the new logo isn’t such a big deal. It does have a certain cleanliness and tidiness about it, eh?

(And I will resist the cynical notion that the newest logo switcheroo is somehow attached to David Beckham’s arrival, to the desire to squeeze the most possible splash from Becks’ ballyhooed arrival. ... Must. Resist. … Difficult …)

Here are the PSG logos through the years. The new one, of course, is above and to the right.


PSG logos