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Transfer news: Manchester City bids $138 million for Harry Kane

Joe Prince-Wright examines some of Harry Kane's most stunning plays during his 2020-21 Premier League campaign.

Manchester City have made their move for Harry Kane, with a huge transfer fee of $138 million plus player deal put on the table to Tottenham.

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According to Fabrizio Romano from our partners at Sky Sport in Italy, the bid has arrived and Tottenham are expected to reject it as Daniel Levy has no plans to sell Kane.

However, considering his struggles during England’s first two group games at EURO 2020, perhaps City are testing Spurs’ resolve as Kane’s value could fall if he continues to have a poor tournament?

Remember, Tottenham still don’t have a manager after firing Jose Mourinho 10 weeks ago and Kane is said to be disappointed with the lack of ambition at the north London club.

Per the report, Kane will not be discuss his future during EURO 2020 and will be fully focused on captaining England.

Below was what Kane said in a recent interview with our partners in the UK at Sky Sports, as he admitted he will look at other options this summer when it comes to his summer.

Kane on his future

“For sure, it’s a moment in my career where I have to kind of reflect and see where I’m at and have a good, honest conversation with the chairman (Daniel Levy). I’m sure that he’ll want to set out the plan of where he sees it, but ultimately it’s going to be down to me and how I feel and what’s going to be the best for me and my career at this moment in time.”

Kane also said he’s missed playing in the Champions League this season: “I want to be playing in the biggest games. The biggest moments.”

He added that he’s sure Levy has a plan but: “Ultimately it’s going to be down to me and how I feel and what’s going to be the best for me and my career at this moment in time.”

Kane went on to admit that he wasn’t sure how the conversation with Levy will go when it comes down to it.

“I’m not sure how that conversation is going to go, to be honest,” Kane smiled. “As players you don’t know what the chairman is thinking. He might want to sell me! He might be thinking, ‘if I could get 100 million for you, why not?’ I’m not going to be worth that after the next two or three years.

“I hope we have a good enough relationship. I’ve given the club... well, I’ve been there 16 years of my life. So, I hope that we can have a good honest conversation and see where we are at in that aspect.”

Where could Harry Kane go? Man City the favorites?

Seeing Kane at any other Premier League club would be weird, but you have to say that Manchester City will be the frontrunners.

Given his allegiance to Tottenham, moving to Chelsea would surely be tough for Spurs, and Kane, to sanction.

Heading to Manchester City would make the most sense as Sergio Aguero is moving on this summer, Gabriel Jesus is yet to fully stand up as the heir apparent and Pep Guardiola has played most of this season without a recognized striker and City still dominated the Premier League.

[ VIDEO: Premier League highlights ]

Imagine Kane linking up with Kevin de Bruyne, Raheem Sterling, Phil Foden et al. for the next few years?

City would win everything. And Kane raved about KDB in his interview with Gary Neville.

“When I watch De Bruyne play he’s a special, special player and some of the balls I see him put in for City are just a striker’s dream if I’m honest,” Kane said. “He’s an outstanding player with the ball, off the ball, pressing, but his delivery is as good as I’ve ever seen to be honest.”

Manchester United would also be a good fit for him with their style of play, but you get the sense that City are the only club that Kane would leave Tottenham for. In his candid interview he also seemed to rule out a move abroad.

“Of course there’s always the option of maybe moving abroad one day but I don’t think that really interests me in the near future,” Kane said.

City are also perhaps the only club who can afford him, as Kane has three years left on his current contract and you have to think that Spurs will ask for well over $150 million for the heart and soul of their team.

Can you blame Kane?

No. You can’t. He’s probably stayed two or three seasons longer than he should have out of loyalty, and even if he leaves this summer he will go down as a Spurs legend. He’s scored 220 goals in 335 games for Spurs and has been the focal point of their team for the last seven seasons.

But now seems like the right time to depart.

He is very ambitious, wants to reach the levels of Messi and Ronaldo and he probably can get close if injuries are kind to him.

After reaching multiple cup finals with Tottenham and leading them to multiple top four finishes, two straight seasons out of the Champions League will not do for a player of Kane’s caliber. Nor will not winning a major trophy.

He has outgrown Tottenham and Levy’s poor decisions in terms of managers and player recruitment has seen the progress made under Mauricio Pochettino vanish.

Kane is said to be disappointed that Spurs haven’t matched his own ambition.

He will have found it tough to make this decision, but his head has clearly overruled his heart.

To win trophies, fulfil his potential and take his game to the very top level, he needs to leave Tottenham. Deep down, Tottenham’s fans always knew this day would come.

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