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David Ospina move to Arsenal is done, says Nice manager


According to Nice manager Claude Puel, David Ospina is on his way from the Ligue 1 side to Arsenal. The Colombia international moves to London on a deal believed to be worth about €4m (~$5.4m).

Ospina’s now-former manager, Puel, confirmed the news on Sky Sports, saying:

It is confirmed, yes. At 25 years old it is important for him to experience another championship, so it is a fantastic move for him. I think he can take the No. 1 spot at Arsenal because his qualities are very, very strong. He is very good with his feet, with his arms, and he knows soccer. He is a very, very good player.

After Lukas Fabianski left Arsenal on a free transfer, moving to Swansea, it was clear that the Gunners would be in need of another quality goalkeeper. Ospina impressed for Colombia at the World Cup, playing all five games as los cafeteros reached the quarter-finals.

In fact, Ospina’s performances were so impressive that Arsène Wenger has already warned Wojciech Szczesny that his role as the club’s starting goalkeeper isn’t necessary a lock. The manager said, “You know at the start Szczesny will be the No.1, then again we’ll be down to performances and, if Ospina shows that he is better, he will play.”