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Carlo Ancelotti expects Ángel di María back for preseason training


Ángel di María is the focus of many a rumor swirling about. He was a target of Manchester United (although what quality midfielder isn’t?) but according to reports on Saturday, he looked set to sign for Paris Saint-Germain.

Carlo Ancelotti, however, refused to be drawn into a discussion about the Argentine’s supposed departure. The Real Madrid manager said, “di María finished the World Cup and he is resting. He will return on Aug. 5 to start (training) together with his team mates.”

Considering di María picked up a couple knocks during the tournament, and needed to miss both the semifinal and the final, it’s likely that the winger does, in fact, need some time to recover. But is Ancelotti right that di María will be a Real player come August? Or is he just not ready to talk about the supposed deal with PSG?

The Real Madrid manager seemed determined to poke holes in as many rumors as possible. In addition to poo-pooing the idea that di María would head to Paris, Ancelotti said, “We are not going to look for another forward because we don’t need one.” He praised Karim Benzema and noted that Isco could be used up top.

This statement seemed targeted toward dismissing the idea that Radamel Falcao could join fellow Colombian and former AS Monaco teammate James Rodríguez at Real. It’s been said that Falcao, too, has dreamt of joining los blancos since he was a child, and that the forward was so keen to join that he was willing to take a 50 percent cut in his wages.

The silly season is a fun one, isn’t it?

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