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Cantona says he would coach Man United if club asked


during the Premier League match between Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur at Old Trafford on August 27, 2018 in Manchester, United Kingdom.

Michael Regan

Manchester United’s struggles under Jose Mourinho have reverberated throughout the club’s community, and one former Red Devils legend believes he could fix the team’s woes.

At least, if he received a call from the club about coaching.

Former striker Eric Cantona recently spoke with the Daily Mail about the Red Devils and their recent issues, suggesting that only he and Pep Guardiola could save the Old Trafford side from further struggles.

“Listen. I joke about Manchester City but they are playing great football,” said Cantona. “It’s just that I think Guardiola should be at United. He is the spiritual child of Johan Cruyff -- he played under Cruyff at Barcelona and learned everything from him. He’s the only person who should be at United.

“Well, except for me. I would like to coach. If they called me, I would go; I would enjoy it. They know where I am. Then we would play creative football once again.

“It would be great for the fans, like it was with Alex Ferguson -- he allowed players to be creative, treated them as individuals. We all felt special with him. All felt loved. He was always praising. A good man. A good leader.”