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Brendan Rodgers full of praise for Mario Balotelli


Liverpool may have already hit the transfer market hard this summer, bringing in the likes of Rickie Lambert, Adam Lallana, Dejan Lovren and a few others that weren’t actually owned by Southampton. But Brendan Rodgers is still on the lookout for another striker, one that can produce double digits and give the Reds more oomph up top as they head into Champions League play.

Could the next shopping trip bring Rodgers to Italy? He’s been eyeing up Mario Balotelli while Liverpool are in the U.S., competing with AC Milan for the International Champions Cup. The 23-year-old scored 14 goals for the rossoneri last season and picked up two more in the Champions League. Rodgers praised Balotelli:

Balotelli is a big talent. I saw that in this time at Inter Milan as a young player and obviously going to Manchester City when we had a real close eye on him there. He’s got all the qualities. He’s 6ft 3ins, he’s quick, his touch is terrific and he can score goals. He went back to Italy to play and he’s still so young.

If his focus is right, his concentration is right and he leads the lifestyle of a top player then he can play for any team in the world.

That’s the problem though, isn’t it, Brendan? Often Balotelli’s version of leading the lifestyle of a top player means camouflage-painted cars and setting off fireworks inside the house. When he plays a poor game, he’s unable to shake his irritation, and if he’s substituted early, he makes his displeasure known.

Liverpool are obviously struggling to replace Luis Suárez and the 33 goals he scored last season, especially after the deal to bring in Loïc Rémy fell through. But is taking a risk on the volatile Balotelli really the answer?

Looking to watch Liverpool vs. Milan in the International Champions League Cup? CLICK HERE for the livestream -- the game begins at 6:30 p.m. ET.

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