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Arsenal confirm signing of Colombia goalkeeper David Ospina


File this under “News you already knew but still hadn’t been confirmed by the club": Arsenal have signed David Ospina to a long-term contract. Yesterday, Ospina’s now-former manager at Nice told Sky Sports that the goalkeeper was heading to Arsenal, but now the Gunners have made it official -- pending “the completion of regulatory processes”, of course.

Ospina, age 25, started each of Colombia’s five World Cup games, catching Arsène Wenger’s eye along the way. The Arsenal manager has already issued a warning to Wojciech Szczesny, current #1 for the side. While Szczesny will start the season between the sticks, if Ospina is better, the Pole could well lose out on the top spot.

Wenger also had kind words to say about his newest signing:

David Ospina is an excellent goalkeeper, with good experience and a proven record of performing with Nice and Colombia. He will add strength to our squad and we are very pleased that he will be joining us.

Ospina began his career with Colombia’s Atletico Nacional at age 17, but moved to Nice before he was twenty. He made 189 Ligue 1 appearances in six years in France, and has also earned 49 caps for his country.

If you’re an Arsenal fan hoping to catch the new goalkeeper in action, the club believes he’ll make his first appearance at the Emirates Cup. The short tournament takes place August 2-3 in London.

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