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Arjen Robben on his retirement timeline: ‘Maybe one, maybe two or maybe 10 years’


Bayern Munich midfielder Arjen Robben still has the ability to perform at the highest level, as he’s led the Bundesliga giant in goals from the beginning of the 2014-15 season with 10 total scores.

Spearheading a distinguished footballing career since the turn of the century, Robben has had stints with top clubs of the world in Chelsea and Real Madrid after he established himself in the Netherlands at FC Groningen and PSV.

His name has become one that’s associated with world-class technical quality in the midfield, and his knack for finding the back of the net can’t be overlooked, especially observing his play this year.

However, at 30 years old, he’s not getting any younger, and questions have arose regarding his effectiveness deep into his thirties when players’ skills begin to noticeably decline.

When asked about hanging up his boots, Robben was fairly straightforward.


“I get asked when I will finish my career more often now, since I am getting older,” he told reporters. “I am very relaxed on this.

“As long as my body works and I’m having fun, I will go on. Maybe one, maybe two or maybe 10 years. The older you get, the better you get to know you body.”

It wouldn’t be all that astonishing to see an capable Robben five years down the road, considering the fact that competent footballers past the ideal age, namely Andrea “The Architect” Pirlo, still display unchanged quality on the pitch.

Based on his statistical showings this year, Robben doesn’t appear to be slowing down, and when he takes the field, the longtime winger is still as dangerous as ever. That said, you never know what limitations physical issues, such as injuries, can impose on a player that needs to remain in top condition to supplement one of the world’s strongest teams.