Sixers fans greet Jared Dudley with loud boos at Game 5 in Philadelphia

Ah, Jared Dudley, welcome (back) to our great city of Philadelphia. It’s a great city, is it not? We like to think so.

Dudley probably doesn’t think so. 

Our wonderful city of Brotherly Love is always happy to show some Brotherly Love, unless you’ve offended us. Then, be prepared to pay the price.

Everything but Brotherly Love was shown to Dudley Tuesday evening at Game 5 of the Sixers-Nets series, apparent from the raining chorus of boos he got for his pregame introduction.

It was not exactly a warm welcome. It’s clear that Philadelphia fans have come for personal retribution after he offended the entire population of Philadelphia. 

Hear it for yourself below. 

Let’s gather the evidence. He’s offended nearly all of us, after attacking our precious, seven-plus-foot, franchise center unwarranted, to insulting our glory boy first overall draft pick and Rookie of the Year and to being a general nuisance. Hope sacrificing yourself to start a fight to get Jimmy Butler ejected in Game 4 was worth it, Dudley. 

Fans didn’t stop at the chorus of boos, however, as they took to other means to heckle Dudley.

Even Franlkin the mascot got in on the Dudley hate parade.

Welcome back, Dudley, here’s to hopefully never seeing you around here again this season.

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