For nearly three straight weeks, curling dominated the Olympic airwaves, and while the U.S., Sweden and Canada all came away with gold medals, there were still plenty of highlights away from the ice.
In the mixed doubles tournament, fans were introduced to Team USA’s #HamFam, Matt and Becca Hamilton, who became instant sensations. Matt was even confused for some other celebrities, as people tried to nail down exactly who he looked like.
And he got to “meet” his hero, Aaron Rodgers... of course only through Twitter (for now!)
Win. #powerofthestash
— Aaron Rodgers (@AaronRodgers12) February 24, 2018
Thanks @AaronRodgers12 ! Wanna hang out back in Madison? #powerofthestash
— Matt Hamilton (@MattJamilton) February 24, 2018
In the women’s tournament, fans were introduced to Japan’s “sunshine team,” who were all all smiles on the way to their bronze medal win.