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Simone Biles details first tattoo, gets pranked on ‘Ellen’

Simone Biles paid Ellen DeGeneres a visit for a third time, but this time she received quite the scare.

Biles was near the end of a sitdown interview with DeGeneres when her “Dancing with the Stars” partner, Sasha Farber, leaped out from a box between the two women.

Earlier in the interview, Biles discussed her first tattoo, the recent addition of the Olympic rings to her right forearm.

“I said I would never get a tattoo, but then after the Olympics, I really wanted one,” Biles said. “So then I left and went to go get one. And my parents didn’t think I was going to get it, and I did.

“I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so I wasn’t really nervous, and it didn’t hurt, but the guy that was doing it was shaking so bad, and kept making me stand up to check if it was straight. So I was like, oh my gosh, is this the best idea after all?”

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