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Sasha Cohen talks Shaun White, figure skating, college life

Sasha Cohen

Olympic silver medalist figure skater Sasha Cohen stopped by SB Nation for a 30-minute video chat published Friday. There was plenty to talk about.

Cohen, 28, discussed taking Russian at Columbia University, her Pomeranian, Pippa, and her business ventures, including Snoxx and Thuzio.

She also dished on skating. Topics ranged from “Blades of Glory” to tour life and even mentions of Tonya Harding and Midori Ito.

And, yes, Shaun White came up. Cohen was asked if she had met anybody notable outside of figure skating at the 2006 Olympics.

White, she said, bringing up the much-talked (and written-) about date request that the Olympic champion snowboarder made after winning gold at the Torino Games.

“I hung out with him at the end, the closing ceremonies, but by then there had been a lot of back and forth through USA Today and blah, blah, blah, before we even met,” she said. “And nothing more exciting to tell, unfortunately.”

Coincidentally, White is currently in Cohen’s city, New York, where he’s performing with his band, Bad Things.

Other tidbits from the wide-ranging interview:

• Asked if she ever suggested music for her programs but had it rejected, she replied: “Every Britney Spears song.”

• Her skating skills haven’t translated to roller blading. She falls a lot, even lost a wheel in SoHo. Not having a toe pick makes it tougher, she said.

• On figure skating bullies: “There’s definitely people that hog the music and don’t share and get in your way and purposefully don’t move out of your way (during practice).”

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