In the latest story to come out of Mo Farah‘s book, the British distance runner talked about the poor soul who inherited his old phone number after he changed digits.
“Every time I do well in a race or I’m in the spotlight, this poor guy’s phone explodes with phone calls and text messages,” Farah wrote in “Twin Ambitions,” according to the Guardian.
The newspaper tracked down the man, a music publicist from London.
“I hadn’t even had it a week when I started receiving calls from a rogue number,” Carl Delahunty said. “I answered and this beefy voice asked: ‘Hello? Hello? Is that Mo?’ It continued for months, at all sorts of ungodly hours.”
Delahunty recounted this memorable message:
His message for Farah?
“If he ever needs someone to take his calls, I’m definitely qualified,” he told the newspaper.