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Mexico studies possible 2024 Olympics bid

Hubertus von Hohenlohe

Hubertus Von Hoh of Mexico carries the national flag as he enters the stadium during the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, Friday, Feb. 7, 2014. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Patrick Semansky

A potential U.S. bid for the 2024 Olympics could face competition from bordering Mexico.

A political sports commission is seeking studies about the viability of a possible bid for the 2024 Summer Games, according to several Mexican media reports.

The group includes Felipe Munoz, the 1968 Olympic 200m breaststroke champion. The 1968 Olympics were held in Mexico City, the only time Mexico has hosted.

The U.S. Olympic Committee is considering bidding for the 2024 Olympics, narrowing potential candidate cities late last year to a group that reportedly includes Boston, Dallas, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and San Francisco.

Other potential 2024 bids could come from Paris, Italy and South Africa.

Bidding for the 2024 Olympics begins in 2015. The host city will be chosen in 2017.

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