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Woman with Bell’s palsy dresses as McKayla Maroney for Halloween, helps her with recovery

McKayla Maroney

Leslie Barrett pulled off one very impressive Halloween costume.

Barrett dressed as the “not impressed” McKayla Maroney two weeks ago.

Many have impersonated the Olympic champion gymnast before, but Barrett’s story behind her impression is worth the read.

Barrett’s in-costume photo was posted on Maroney’s Facebook page with this note:

“Two months ago I was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy, which means the right side of my face is temporarily paralyzed and I can only express emotion on my left. Last week at a party someone pointed out that I normally look like your “not impressed” face. I decided to incorporate my disability into my Halloween costume and dress up as you. This has hands down been the best costume I’ve ever had. It was the first time in months I got to look like I was intentionally making a face and it has helped me deal with the slow recovery a little better.”

(h/t Deadspin)

Video: McKayla Maroney does ‘not impressed’ face at age 8

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