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Will Anderson “bulked up” this offseason

There’s going to be more of defensive end Will Anderson in the Texans defense this season.

Anderson isn’t necessarily going to be playing a higher percentage of snaps, but he will be taking up a little bit more space. At a press conference from Texans training camp on Thursday, Anderson said that he found he wasn’t able to stand his ground as much as he wanted to late last season so he focused on getting bigger before returning for his second NFL campaign.

“Last year I was like 248 and by the time we got to like the Ravens game I felt like I was getting tossed around,” Anderson said. “I kinda bulked up a little this offseason. Tried to keep my speed, I did keep my speed. I’m like 263 now. I feel good, some people still doubt me a little bit. I appreciate you for that.”

Anderson was effective at the lower weight, so the best case scenario for the Texans is that the positive impact he has on games will get larger as well in 2024.