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We’re giving away some free stuff this month

YouCantMakeThisUp copy

If you’re looking for a gift for someone for the holiday season (up to and including yourself), we have an idea. And the price is right.

On each of the next three Fridays, we’ll be giving away a signed copy of Al Michaels’ excellent memoir, You Can’t Make This Up. It will go to the person who submits the best question via Twitter for Friday’s PFT Live.

Since we’ll be giving away only three books total, a more reliable option would be to actually purchase a copy of the book. Sure, it won’t be signed. But it will contain all the same words that the signed copies contain.

For more information about Al’s book, including information on how to purchase it without putting on shoes or pants, click here.

Al Michaels has become one of the most respected and beloved figures in all of broadcasting, with a broad and diverse career that has taken him around the globe and into millions of homes. His experiences provide the kind of insight and lessons about broadcasting that make it valuable for anyone in the business, or for anyone who hopes to get into the business.

So buy it. Or ask a really great question today via Twitter, next Friday, or the next Friday. Or both.