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Tyreek Hill’s lawyers continue investigating potential legal action against Miami-Dade police

It’s only been 22 days since the incident between Dolphins receiver Tyreek Hill and Miami-Dade police officers. That makes it still very early in the process of determining what, if anything Hill should do about the situation.

Via Safid Deen of USA Today, Hill’s lawyers remain in the “beginning stages” of potentially pursuing legal action. Hill’s attorney, Julius Collins, told Deen that the lawyers currently are submitting requests for public records to the Miami-Dade Police Department.

“Every legal remedy is on the table,” Collins told Deen. “Does he want police reform? Absolutely. Does he want this officer terminated? Absolutely. We want to figure out if there’s a systemic problem within MDPD as far as how they police.”

The investigation also includes interviewing individuals who have had similar experiences with the Miami-Dade officers.

The end result could be a federal civil lawsuit for violation of Hill’s civil rights. The officer who escalated the situation, based on available bodycam footage, remains on “administrative duties.”

On October 11, Hill will plead not guilty to the citations he received that day — careless driving and a seatbelt violation. That legal action is minuscule in comparison to the one that could be looming.