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Trent Williams: It’s a volatile league, I was looking for security

Left tackle Trent Williams returned to the 49ers on Tuesday after holding out of training camp this summer while pushing for a new contract.

Williams joked at a press conference that he’s trying not to think about the fines that he accrued during his time away from the team and said that his revised pact is “pretty much done.” Williams is signed through 2026, but he didn’t have any guaranteed money in the remaining years of the deal and Williams said he was looking for more of a commitment from the team.

“Security. It’s a volatile league,” Williams said, via multiple reporters.

While the situation grew acrimonious over the course of the summer, Williams said it is all water under the bridge now.

“For lack of a better word, it’s kind of war,” Williams said. “Both sides gonna lose a little blood, but we wave the white flag at the end. We both sign a little peace treaty and we good.”

Williams will spend the next week getting ready to face the Jets on the first Monday night of the season.