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Trent Richardson on XFL: I’ll never give up

The XFL will have a ninth team in the league that's meant to keep players in shape in case another team in the league needs to fill a spot on the roster.

Trent Richardson was a major bust in the NFL, and since then he’s tried to resurrect his career with short stints in the Canadian Football League and Alliance of American Football. And he’s not done.

Richardson is now trying to make it to the XFL, and after a recent tryout he said he’s committed to getting another chance in professional football.

“Keep showing myself and my kids that I’ll never give up and I’ll always follow my dream,” Richardson said. “I guess you can say I have a chip on my shoulder.”

It’s probably too late for Richardson to revive his disappointing NFL career, which means he’ll always be remembered as a third overall draft pick who managed to average just 3.3 yards per carry. But it’s respectable that he wants to keep trying. When the XFL launches in January, Richardson will probably be lined up at running back for some team, still showing that he’s not going to give up on playing professional football.