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This weekend’s Father of Mine giveaway has a new twist

I’m doing it.

I’m not sure why I’m doing it, but I’m doing it.

Maybe it’s because my wife and I are celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary this weekend, and I’m happy (and kind of amazed) that she hasn’t kicked my ass out. Maybe it’s because I’m still in the afterglow of thinking I was dying and realizing it was just vertigo. Maybe I just want to lay the foundation to sell as many copies of my next book as possible.

Yeah, it’s probably the last one.

Regardless, this weekend’s Father of Mine giveaway is literally a giveaway. As of tomorrow, and for a very limited time, the Father of Mine ebook will cost exactly as much as the content available here. Not a damn cent.

It’ll be free. Completely free. No charge. You’ll definitely get your money’s worth. And if you like it, maybe you’ll be motivated to see how the story continues with Son of Mine.

You’ll enjoy it. Don’t take my word for it. Said Kirkus Reviews of Father of Mine: “Every stylistic nuance and dialogue inflection feels pitch-perfect, and every character is believably hypersensitive to law enforcement and the dire consequences of a botched job. The novel’s conclusion has a twist that’s truly a surprise.”

And as to Son of Mine: “A fast-paced mob-family saga with compelling characters, great dialogue, and hardboiled vengeance.”

So come back tomorrow or Sunday and get the Father of Mine ebook for free. And if you like it, give it a review. And if you really like it, order Son of Mine. The ebook is only $4.99, and the print edition will be available to order on September 3 for $14.99.