The Bills will start playing in their new staudium in 2026. This week, they’ll commence the selling of season tickets.
According to the Buffalo News (via Sports Business Journal), the team has confirmed that the first group of 300-level season ticket holders will learn this week the price of Personal Seat Licenses and tickets for comparable seats in the new facility.
The 300 level — the lower of the two upper levels — is expected to have a PSL price of $5,500 per seat. In the 400 level, the PSL is expected to be as high as $2,500 and as low as $1,000.
The Bills are providing the information through a “Stadium Experience Center,” with the goal of having every season-ticket account holder experience the experience before the start of the 2025 season. Then, those on the waiting list will have a chance to buy any remaining tickets.
It will be interesting to see whether and to what extent loyal season-ticket holders will feel priced out of the new building. Especially with the cost of the new building getting pricier and pricier.