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Though it’s unclear whether the NFL plans to take any action against Raiders running back Justin Fargas for appearing in a video promoting a marijuana “Smoke-A-Thon,” the dust-up arising from the presence of Fargas in the video apparently has prompted him to request that it be removed from the web site. Sadly, the video is gone. So the world will be deprived of eight minutes of hilarious (intentionally or otherwise) video from the rapper Yukmouth, who introduced the non-marijuana-smoking world to the term “turkey bag,” which could be destined to become the next “passion bucket” on The Dan Patrick Show. We also got a kick out of seeing Yukmouth inhale on camera -- and then cough and hack for the next minute while he tried to talk. And we were intrigued to learn on Jason Jones’ blog at the Sacramento Bee web site that the house in the video that supposedly belongs to Fargas actually isn’t his house. Jones contacted NFL spokesman Greg Aiello to inquire as to whether Fargas’ presence in the video would result in scrutiny under the substance abuse policy. “Evaluations of players by the program’s advisers are confidential,” Aiello told Jones via e-mail. The Raiders have yet to comment on Fargas and his “smoke pot . . . smokin’ buddy.”