We live in bubbles. All of us. Focusing on the things on which we focus. Doing the various things we do. Living the lives we each live.
Every once in a while, something punctures those bubbles. A tragedy that hits home. That rattles us. That makes us question everything that we know, or that we thought we knew.
The death of Dwayne Haskins has done that today, for many who pay attention to the NFL or who are connected to it in any way. Dwayne was only 24. Younger than my son, I keep reminding myself. The grief his family will experience is unimaginable. Lives will be forever altered by his sudden passing.
At time like this, little makes sense. Not much can be said to make sense of it. The only thing to do is to support Dwayne’s family and friends, and to remember to cherish every moment in our own lives, and to take nothing at all for granted. Not a single day is guaranteed for any of us, or for any of those we love.
It all sounds trite, but it’s true. Don’t let petty differences drive wedges between yourself and family members or close friends. Find a way to resolve lingering grudges, to mend fences, to love and appreciate those in our lives because those in our lives can be gone in the blink of an eye. Or we can be the ones who are suddenly and forever lost.
Times like this provide valuable perspective. It’s often temporary. Hopefully, for some, it will prompt a resolve to make that phone call to an alienated relative or friend, to extend that apology the has been withheld for far to long. To heal old wounds, before it’s too late.