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The Jerry Jones paternity legal drama abruptly ends

Jerry Jones won’t miss much of training camp, after all.

He also won’t be getting $1.6 million from his alleged daughter and her mother.

Perhaps most importantly, he won’t be taking a paternity test that by all appearances would have shown that his alleged daughter is his actual daughter.

Via, the breach of contract trial that started on Monday abruptly ended on Tuesday.

The presiding judge announced that all litigation between Jones and Alexandra Davis has ended, after the lunch break on Thursday.

The settlement happened before Jones took the witness stand, which might have been a smart move. His testimony could have been contentious, challenging, and undoubtedly colorful.

Attorney Don Jack testified on Tuesday. He negotiated the 1998 paternity contract that was allegedly violated. His testimony was ongoing when the lunch break happened and the resolution occurred.

Whatever the terms, this needed to happen. It was sad. It was stupid. It was dysfunctional.

It also was entertaining, based on Monday’s developments in court. But it’s far better off for everyone involved for it to be over.