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The incredible shrinking Jordan Gross


Players come to camp every year saying they’re in the best shape of their life.

Former Panthers left tackle Jordan Gross clearly means it.

According to Adam Morgan of Black and Blue Review, Gross has dropped 70 pounds since retiring this offseason, from 305 down to 235.

“I don’t like it. I’m not a big fan of it. I think he looks kind of weird. He looks really unhealthy,” Panthers center Ryan Kalil cracked. “The problem is, he’s walking around and checking himself out in the mirror, and he thinks he looks cool. He just looks bad. And I’ve told him that many times.”

Gross will take it, even with the jabs coming from every direction.

“My wife’s freaking out. She says she’s having an affair on me with me,” Gross said. “I’ve been asked if my brother plays pro football. People look at me funny. I was actually out on our boat, and this girl said, ‘Are you Jordan Gross?’ and I said, ‘No. He’s fatter than I am.’ And she said, ‘Yeah and you’re probably better at football than him, too.’”

The shame of it is, he had finally grown into his ears, which are now again one of his more prominent features.

All jokes aside, the alarming rate at which Gross has dropped the weight underscores how hard it was for him to stay big enough to compete in the NFL. He looks like a fit person now, if not one who spent 12 years playing offensive line.

Photo credit: Black and Blue Review