For many of the NFL’s most passionate fans, DirecTV’s NFL Sunday Ticket is a godsend, as it allows fans to see every game, as well as DirecTV’s Red Zone Channel, a game mix channel that shows every Sunday afternoon game simultaneously on one screen, and plenty of other goodies.
Unfortunately, DirecTV’s NFL Sunday Ticket is also plagued with technical difficulties.
As today’s early games kicked off, many fans took to social media to point out that their DirecTV Sunday Ticket channels weren’t working. The Red Zone Channel appears to be out of service for many fans, and there have been sporadic reports of other channels not coming in as well.
We reached out to DirecTV to ask what went wrong and did not receive an immediate response.
Considering how many fans pay hundreds of dollars for Sunday Ticket, not to mention hundreds more in monthly DirecTV bills for people who only subscribe for the NFL package, it’s frustrating when the service doesn’t work properly. But Sunday Ticket failing to work properly is commonplace.