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Tank Dell: C.J. Stroud can be the best QB in the league

Texans quarterback C.J. Stroud’s play as a rookie gave rise to a lot of rosy projections about what his future will be in the NFL.

Wide receiver Tank Dell’s view of where things are headed is among the most optimistic. During an appearance on I Am Athlete, Dell pointed to Stroud’s diligence in preparing himself and his teammates for each game as a big reason for his success and that it is the kind of devotion to the craft that can put him in Patrick Mahomes’s class at the top of the of the league’s quarterback rankings.

“He just brings a special type of swag,” Dell said. “I for sure feel like C.J. got the opportunity to be the best quarterback in the league. Not me just saying that because of who he is to me but just like what I’m seeing him do each and every week. What the world sees, they’re seeing exactly what we’re seeing. How he just coming out there as a 21-year-old man going against grown men, and he’s out here just balling every week. How consistent he is. I feel like C.J. gotta keep doing what he’s doing to bridge the gap between him and Mahomes.”

It’s a lofty comparison for any player and particularly for one with as little experience as Stroud, but it’s not hard to understand the excitement Dell and the rest of the Texans have about what is in store for them and for Stroud in the coming years.