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Taking a closer look at Dan Snyder’s superyacht

Mike Florio is shocked that Washington Commanders owner Dan Snyder has been able to stay out of the country and avoid a subpoena despite pressure from Congress.

We’re gonna need a bigger boat. That’s something that never will be said on Commanders owner Daniel Snyder’s superyacht.

The folks at have taken a closer took at the $192 million vessel purchased three years ago by Snyder.

It’s 93 meters long, nearly the full size of a football field. It accommodates 12 guests in seven cabins, and it holds 33 crew members. It has a 200-inch outdoor screen an IMAX theater.

“The 12-seat theater is so big that the vessel had to be designed around it, overcoming the challenge of sound-proofing to isolate the theater from the engine noise and meeting IMAX’s stringent norms,” writes Sayan Chakravarty of

The IMAX theater alone cost $3 million.

So, yeah, if Snyder needs to remain on the boat until after the November election or, if necessary, until the new Congress takes over in January, maybe he will. There are far worse places he could be -- including most notably FedEx Field.