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Son of Mine lands in two days, making today a great day to read Father of Mine

It’s the last Sunday before the NFL returns. Inexplicably, the college football schedule-makers have scheduled no games for Sunday or Monday afternoon, dropping just one prime-time game tonight and tomorrow night.

So what’s there to do today? With Son of Mine coming Tuesday, it’s a great time to rip through the first book on the two-books-and-possibly-counting series, Father of Mine.

Get the Father of Mine ebook instantly for a measly $3.99. It moves fast. There’s a very good chance you’ll like it. And then you’ll want to rip through Son of Mine before the first of 272 NFL games are played, on Thursday night.

The Son of Mine ebook can be preordered for only $4.99.

The fine folks at Kirkus Reviews have given both books a thumb’s up. The end result is this: “A fast-paced mob-family saga with compelling characters, great dialogue, and hardboiled vengeance.”

So don’t fret that there’s no college football until tonight and tomorrow night. Start reading Father of Mine this afternoon. Then, finish it tomorrow afternoon.

Unless you finish it today. You just might.