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Fifteen days to Son of Mine

It’s locked and loaded and ready to go.

After the initial drafting and repeated re-writing and editing and re-editing and re-reading and re-reading and scouring over every single line and eyeballing every single page of the finished product and saying a prayer and making a wish and taking a shot (or three), Son of Mine has been finalized.

The sequel to Father of Mine will land in 15 days.

That gives you a little more time to read Father of Mine, if you haven’t. You also could read Son of Mine first. Although from the first page it spoils the ending to Father of Mine, Son of Mine works as a standalone second book — even if I didn’t really intend it that way.

Now that Son of Mine is in the can, I’ve been mulling over ideas for a third book in the ‘70s-era, small-town mob series. With roughly 50 years from the end of Son of Mine to the present, there could be a lot more story to tell with the characters involved. Those who survived the first two books, that is.

You can get Father of Mine for only $3.99 for the ebook and only $14.99 for the print edition. The Son of Mine ebook can be pre-ordered for only $4.99. A print edition will be available on September 3, too.

And as to the Father of Mine giveaway from two weeks ago, the whole vertigo thing has slowed me down when it comes to sending out signed copies to the latest winners. I’ll be doing it this week.

For those who didn’t win a free one, you should consider buying both. Don’t take my word for it. The folks at Kirkus Reviews (who definitely don’t hand out good reviews like participation trophies) said “get it” as to Father of Mine and “get it” as to Son of Mine.

“A fast-paced mob-family saga with compelling characters, great dialogue, and hardboiled vengeance,” Kirkus concluded regarding Son of Mine.

So what are you waiting for? Pre-order Son of Mine now, and then literally wait for the next 16 days to pass before it shows up in ebook form.