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Shelby Harris: Nobody wants anything to do with NFLPA’s proposed offseason changes

The NFL Players Association is reportedly finalizing a proposal to make major changes to offseason programs around the league.

It is believed that the proposal would do away with the current voluntary workouts in the spring in favor of several weeks of work starting in the summer and leading directly into training camp. Any change would have to be agreed to by team owners and it could become a bargaining chip in larger talks about adding an 18th game to the regular season schedule.

With the proposed changes coming from the NFLPA, it’s natural to think that the move has broad appeal to players. That may be the case, but it doesn’t sound like Browns defensive lineman Shelby Harris is a supporter or that he’s heard from other players who like the idea.

“I’m so confused how they are trying to twist this into saying players want to start camp the end of June nobody wants anything to do with this change,” Harris wrote on X.

Harris also replied to Albert Breer of tweeting that the proposal “is going over like the Hindenburg with coaches and front office people” by writing that “players don’t want this either.” If and when an official proposal is put forth by the union, there are sure be plenty of other opinions shared about any major changes to the offseason.