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Shannon Sharpe’s L.A. home was burglarized last week

With Lamar Jackson planning to be at the remainder of the Ravens’ OTAs, Mike Florio and Chris Simms analyze John Harbaugh’s message about the importance of practices and why no workouts can replicate OTAs.

At a time when Hall of Fame tight end Shannon Sharpe has been sued for allegedly defaming Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre after essentially calling Favre a thief, Sharpe has been victimized by thieves.

Hopefully, Favre has an alibi. (I’m joking, Lorenzo.)

According to, Sharpe’s L.A. home was burglarized last week. Thieves allegedly absconded with roughly $1 million in goods, including watches, jewelry, and designer bags.

Sharpe reportedly noticed something wasn’t right after he returned home following a Friday night dinner. Law enforcement saw no obvious signs of forced entry. An investigation continues.

Sharpe has offered a $50,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction.