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Sean Payton: Drew Brees getting second opinion, no timetable yet

Drew Brees injured his throwing hand in the Saints' loss to the Rams, reportedly damaging the ligament in his right thumb.

Reports on Monday indicated that Saints quarterback Drew Brees would be having surgery after tearing a ligament in his thumb in Sunday’s loss to the Rams and that he’d miss six weeks while recovering.

Saints head coach Sean Payton had a conference call a bit later in the day and he said that nothing had been finalized when it comes to Brees’s plans.

“He’s had one opinion, he’s getting a second opinion,” Payton said.

Payton said that he hoped that the news is good and that any absence from the lineup “if there is any” turns out to be a brief one. While Payton is playing the optimistic notes about Brees’s outlook, he also realizes that the team is “getting ready to find out” if they’re able to be a winner without their longtime starting quarterback.