NFL fans have been voicing their displeasure after the league-owned RedZone Channel ran commercials for the first time on Sunday. RedZone host Scott Hanson has heard them.
Hanson has long used the catchphrase, “Seven hours of commercial-free football,” as RedZone is kicking off, and he did so again on Sunday, even though he knew RedZone was about to show commercials on its broadcast. Hanson has now posted an apology on social media.
“I just wanted to take a quick second and apologize for using the commercial-free catchphrase at the top of last show. I was conflicted about it beforehand, I had a tough decision to make, and I made the wrong decision, and I’m sorry,” Hanson said.
Hanson doesn’t control whether the NFL sells ads on RedZone, but he does control the words that come out of his own mouth, and he knows he shouldn’t have said something that wasn’t true.
“I try to be the best host I can possibly be,” Hanson said. “But being a great host means being accurate, being truthful and having integrity ,and so I hope you consider accepting this apology.”
The types of people who spend their Sundays watching RedZone and not wanting to miss even a moment of the action for a commercial are some of the NFL’s biggest fans. Hanson has listened to those fans. The league should, too: The fans paying for RedZone want it to be uninterrupted football.