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Salary cap ceiling for 2022 set at $208.2 million

The NFL salary cap dropped to $182.5 million for the 2021 season as a result of revenue shortfalls related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the 2020 season, but it is expected to go back up during the 2022 season.

It will be some time before we learn exactly how much the cap will go up, but we learned on Wednesday what kind of parameters the league will be operating under as it heads toward that declaration.

According to multiple reports, the NFL and NFL Players Association have agreed to set a ceiling of $208.2 million. If the cap were to get that high, it would represent a 14 percent increase over the 2021 season.

It would also represent a new high for the salary cap in NFL history. The 2019 season was played with a cap of $198.2 million, which would mark a jump of about eight percent and a significant reversal of what teams had to deal with this year.