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“Safe bet” Aaron Rodgers eventually lands with Steelers

The “when” remains to be seen. The “if” is slowly becoming more clear.

As one source in the general vicinity of those who would be in position to know said Sunday, it’s a “safe bet” that quarterback Aaron Rodgers eventually will sign with the Steelers.

Rodgers, if you haven’t heard, spent more than six hours visiting the Steelers on Friday.

We know, we know. Nobody ever knows what Rodgers plans to do. He speaks to only a small handful of people. And those to whom he speaks refrain from flapping their yaps, for fear of being exiled to the island.

But it’s human nature to talk. Everyone tells one person something they weren’t supposed to tell anyone, with the understanding that the person they tell won’t tell anyone. And so on. And so on. And so on.

Regardless, the signs are pointing to Rodgers landing in Pittsburgh for 2025. Could it change? Yes. Again, it’s a “safe bet” it won’t.

It remains to be seen when the announcement will be made. If only there were an event coming up next month in Pittsburgh featuring the guy whose show Rodgers appears on every Tuesday during football season.

Oh, wait. There is.