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Russell Wilson’s Denver mansion is for sale

Many believe Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson won’t be on the team much longer. Wilson seems to believe it, too.

Via Thomas Gounley of the Denver Post, Wilson’s Denver mansion is for sale.

Wilson and his wife, Ciara, bought the house when he was traded from the Seahawks to the Broncos in 2022. They paid $25 million for the 20,00-square-foot home, a record price for the area.

Per the report, Wilson and his wife are currently providing tours and fielding offers for the home.

It’s no surprise. Wilson most likely will be cut on or before March 17, when his 2025 base salary of $37 million becomes fully guaranteed. His $39 million compensation package for 2024 is already fully guaranteed.

Making the rounds last week at the Super Bowl, coach Sean Payton didn’t rule out having Wilson on the roster for 2024. If, however, Payton didn’t sufficiently believe in Wilson to let him finish the season as the starting quarterback, why would Payton be willing to let another $37 million become fully guaranteed next month?

It’s just a matter of time, then, before Wilson is released. And it appears to be just a matter of time before the mansion he bought to two years ago when he moved to Denver is sold.