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Russell Wilson on playing in the preseason: “I’m ready to do whatever”

Mike Florio and Chris Simms discuss Russell Wilson's future with the Denver Broncos, and if a long-term deal will be done before it gets too expensive for the franchise.

The Broncos host the Cowboys on Saturday night, to launch their first preseason with quarterback Russell Wilson on the team. The team has not yet disclosed whether Wilson will play.

From Wilson’s perspective, he’s fine with whatever head coach Nathaniel Hackett decides.

“Whatever Coach has [planned], I’m ready to do whatever,” Wilson told reporters on Thursday. “I’m excited to be a Denver Bronco and I’m excited to put the jersey on for the first time. To run out of that stadium, whether I’m playing or not, I don’t know but whatever it is, I’m ready for it. Anytime you get to strap on your cleats and everything else, it’s a blessing.”

Does Wilson have a preference?

“I don’t care,” he said. “I want us to win the preseason games and I want to win the rest of them. That’s all that matters.”

Hackett continues to be coy about his plans for Wilson on Saturday night.

“We are still going to talk about all that stuff,” Hackett told reporters. “I know you guys are dying to hear all that stuff, but I wanted to get through today first. I think I’ll know more after I am able to watch the tape and get a feel from there.”

Still, if Wilson plays, it will be a cameo appearance.

“Even if he did go in, it would not be for much at all,” Hackett said.

It’s a delicate balance to strike. As Hackett recently said, the most important thing is to get through training camp and the preseason with as many players as healthy as possible. Of all the players on the roster, the last one they’d want to get injured is Russell Wilson.