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Russell Wilson: My relationship with Pete Carroll is stronger than ever

Russell Wilson joins Dan Patrick to talk about his relationship with the Seahawks after an offseason that included trade rumors.

This offseason, Russell Wilson’s status with the Seahawks grew precarious enough that his agent offered up a list of other teams Wilson would like to play for. But Wilson says that’s all in the past.

Asked about his relationship with the Seahawks on the Dan Patrick Show, Wilson said it’s never been better.

“I would say it’s stronger. I think me and Pete have gotten closer. Pete and I have always had a great bond but I think we had a great heart to heart,” Wilson said. “Me and coach Carroll’s relationship is stronger than ever.”

Wilson said the Seahawks have had a great offseason and are eager to get back to the Super Bowl.

“I care about winning, that’s what I want to do,” Wilson said. “That’s always been my goal, that’s always been my focus, to win it all.”

Despite acknowledging that “Any time in sports there’s a potential to be traded,” Wilson sounded content to remain in Seattle. Maybe not forever, but certainly for the 2021 season.