As quarterback Russell Wilson closes in on the payday for which he becomes eligible the day after Week 17 ends, he’ll have a new agent to help him.
Per Adam Schefter of ESPN, Wilson has parted ways with Bus Cook, who has represented Wilson since he was drafted in 2012. And as further proof of the carefully-manicured Russell Wilson image, the leak to Schefter came with an obvious request that the move be characterized as something other than what it really is.
“A source close to Wilson said Cook was not fired, but simply the quarterback was making a change,” Schefter wrote on Facebook.
Sure, Wilson was making a change. He was making a change by firing Cook.
You can’t change an agent without firing the agent. Unless Cook resigned or retired (and he didn’t), Wilson initiated the process of changing agents; Wilson fired Cook.
(Why would Schefter push something so obviously not true, you may ask? Bookmark this page for when Schefter breaks the news that Wilson has signed a new mega-contract with a Seahawks.)
Wilson eventually will hire Mark Rodgers, a baseball-certified agent who currently has no active NFL clients, according to the NFLPA website. Eventually, Rodgers will have a fairly big one -- and his first order of business will be to negotiate a contract that cuts against the recent trend of paying young quarterbacks on a year-to-year basis.
But, hey, at least Rodgers won’t have to worry about getting fired if Wilson’s next contract is lacking.