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Russell Wilson is hoping for more up-tempo moments

Mike Florio, Peter King, and Chris Simms break down the Seahawks' offense and any changes that might come behind the big arm of Russell Wilson.

With eight years of his NFL career already in the books, Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson has become more willing to be more candid about what he’d like to see over the next eight years of his career, and beyond. (He has said on multiple occasions that he plans to play until he’s 45.)

Before the Pro Bowl, Wilson was candid about preferred improvements to the roster. Appearing last week on PFT Live, Wilson expressed a desire to put the pedal to the metal more frequently.

“I mean we’ve always been really good at two-minute [offense],” Wilson said. “We’ve always been really good in those end of the half, those not always hurry-up situations, but those up-tempo situations [and] moments. And the reality is this: I think the defense gets tired, first thing. And I think the second thing is that, you know, I really know kind of what I want to get after them, how we want to get after them, especially in those moments. And guys just make plays in those moments. I think the freedom of just going after it and just scoring as many points, you know?

“That’s kind of what the Chiefs do to be honest with you,” Wilson said. “They do a really good job, Andy Reid and Mahomes. They do a really good job of getting up to the ball, playing with their playmakers and finding a way to make plays and, you know, they score more points than everybody else. And I think that’s the name of the game is, Can you score one more point than they do?”

The Seahawks haven’t done enough of that. And it’s clear that Wilson wants more of it. It will be interesting to see whether Wilson continues to be candid during an offseason that bring him closer and closer to the midpoint of his career, with only one Super Bowl win to show for it so far.