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Roger Goodell: It’s clear new kickoff will have longer returns, better field position

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says the preseason is too small a sample size to make any sweeping judgments about the new kickoff rule, but we’ve seen enough to know it’s going to be good for the offense.

Goodell emphasized in an interview with Pat McAfee that the starting field position for the offense after kickoffs will surely be higher, both because of longer returns and because touchbacks now go to the 30-yard line instead of the 25.

“Preseason you don’t see a lot, so to make a judgment after three weeks of the preseason is probably a little questionable, because coaches are holding back,” Goodell said. “I think it’s very clear we’re going to get more returns. It’s also very clear that the average drive start is going to be out five or six yards, closer to the 30-yard line, good for the offense. And I think we’re going to see some longer returns.”

Those longer returns, however, might lead coaches to tell their kickers to boot the ball out the back of the end zone for a touchback, which goes to the 30 but limits the risk of a long return. Goodell says if that happens, the NFL might change the rule for 2025.

“We put this in for a year, we’ll evaluate it for the entire year,” Goodell said. “If we see that type of circumstance come out, we’ll probably evaluate, well, the ball goes out to the 35 next year, and try that.”

Even more than encouraging returns, the reason the NFL changed the kickoff rule is to reduce injuries. Goodell said there are reasons to think the new rule will help on that front.

“The safety part looks good but it’s too early to tell. We don’t want to make any judgments off the data we have. But that’s the driver for us: Make this play the exciting play it’s always been, but make it also a safer play, closer to the safety level of a normal scrimmage play,” Goodell said.

We’ll finally see what the new kickoff rules look like, in a game teams are actually trying to win, on Thursday night.