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Richard Sherman’s wife, Ashley Moss: “He’s a good person and this is not his character”

Russell Wilson joins Dan Patrick to talk about his relationship with the Seahawks after an offseason that included trade rumors.

As more details emerge regarding the Wednesday arrest of free-agent cornerback Richard Sherman, his wife has issued a brief comment.

“At this time we’re going to make no statements, except he didn’t harm anybody,” Ashley Moss said, via Bob Condotta of the Seattle Times. “My kids were not harmed in the incident. He’s a good person and this is not his character. We’re doing all right, just trying to get him out. I want people to know no one was injured.”

Moss was, according to Condotta, “emotionally shaken.” She declined to discuss the specific of the case.

Via Condotta, Sherman’s initial court appearance could happen on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. ET. He will be held without bail, per protocol in domestic violence cases, until a judge can consider the situation.

In addition to the pending charge of burglary domestic violence, the Washington State Patrol also is investigating Sherman for DUI and hit-and-run based after Sherman allegedly crashed a car into a concrete barrier and left the scene on foot. It appears that Sherman submitted to BAC testing for alcohol.