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RGIII has a new catch phrase


Three years ago, he was “All In For Week One” as he executed “Operation Patience.” Now, quarterback Robert Griffin III has a new catch phrase.

“No pressure, no diamonds.”

It was Griffin’s exit line from his introductory press conference with the Browns. At the time, some league insiders pointed to that moment as evidence that Griffin still doesn’t get it. However, I opted to not make a big deal about it, given the signs that the previously non-self-aware RGIII was changing, evolving, maturing. But then he used the phrase again on Thursday, when talking about advice he would give to incoming rookie quarterbacks.

“The only advice I would have is what I said with my mic drop last time, ‘No pressure, no diamonds,’” Griffin said.

Apart from an apparent effort to create a new catch phrase, Griffin referred to his own mic drop as a “mic drop.” Which seems to be a breach of the unofficial rules of “mic drop.” (This time, he didn’t drop the mic after mentioning that he dropped the mic the first time he said, “No pressure, no diamonds.”)

Meanwhile, Rex Ryan already is evaluating the possibility of stealing “no pressure, no diamonds” as a T-shirt slogan for 2017. Especially since there’s currently a chance that Ryan will be working at a jewelry store at this time next year.

UPDATE 5:38 p.m. ET: Apparently, it’s not a new catch phrase; Griffin was using it in college. Which makes it harder to conclude that Griffin is any different now than the guy who flamed out in Washington. Which also makes it harder to justify considering a recent use of the term as a self-described “mic drop” moment.