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RG3 loses his headphones after Sonny Jurgensen criticizes them


Maybe Robert Griffin III was just listening to the Redskins pre-game show?

Or maybe the Redskins’ old school radio announcers are just showing their age.

Dan Steinberg of the Washington Post notes the rookie quarterback has changed his routine, dropping the headphones he was wearing prior to the first two games after being criticized by Sonny Jurgensen.

Apparently, according to Steinberg, Jurgensen made some disparaging remarks about the headphones during the second broadcast, and lo and behold, RG3 came out bare-eared for the Colts game.

At once, you want to respect Griffin for deferring to the legendary quarterback of the franchise he’s been asked to save from itself, if that’s what happened.

At the same time, you wonder why Jurgensen chose this particular thing to make an issue of. There will be folks who accuse Jurgensen of sinister motives. I think it’s probably just an old-and-out-of-touch issue more than anything.

Either way, it gives you one more reason to keep an eye on RG3 tonight, as if Redskins fans needed one.