Former Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams didn’t start his bounty system in New Orleans. It goes back to his days with the Redskins at the very least.
Mark Maske of the Washington Post has a detailed report that could submerge Williams in hotter water with the NFL. If that’s possible.
Four Redskins confirmed that a similar bouny system was in place in Washington to the one in New Orleans. Only one of the players was willing to be quoted on the record. Former defensive lineman Philip Daniels defended Williams, while also admitting what happened.
Daniels believed Williams started the program with money taken from players late for meetings or practices. Daniels said that former Redskin Sean Taylor made a lot of money in the system.
“I think it is wrong the way they’re trying to paint [Williams],” Daniels added. “He never told us to go out there and break a guy’s neck or break a guy’s leg. It was all in the context of a good, hard football.”
The other players weren’t as generous in their assessment.
“You got compensated more for a kill shot than you did other hits,” said one former player.
One thought Williams took the system “a little too far.”
“If you took the star player out, he’d hook you up a little bit,” another player admitted, while also defending Williams.
The most any Redskins player ever was paid in the system was believed to be around $8,000. Daniels said he got $1,500 for a four-sack game. (So what do you have to do for $8,000? Maim someone?)
“He actually had a saying, ‘If you cut the snake’s head off, the body will die,’ that was his motto,” said one unnamed player. “It was made clear that he was talking about not just running backs who turned their heads the opposite way and how they would go down, but also about other stars on offense that were the best players on that team.”
This is all damning stuff, but probably not any more damning than the information the NFL has already obtained in the Saints investigation.
Still, it can’t help Williams’ chances of avoiding a suspension of his own.