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Recent shoulder surgery would complicate a potential Drew Brees return

Chris Simms believes that Drew Brees ultimately took to social media because he wants the opportunity to announce his future on his own terms.

While it’s still unclear from a Sunday night tweet whether future Hall of Fame quarterback Drew Brees is truly thinking about coming back to football (one more tweet could clear it up quickly), there’s one specific complication to any desire to play football.

As noted by Peter King in his latest Football Morning in America column, Brees had left shoulder surgery on May 2. ESPN’s Ed Werder added earlier today that Brees “would be physically unable to play until at least September or October.”

Again, if there was a joke in the original Brees tweet, it’s far from obvious. He has tweeted since then. He can end the mystery quickly and cleanly, if he wants.

Maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he isn’t kidding. Maybe he knows he could perform better than more than a few starting quarterbacks right now. Maybe he thinks he could still run the Sean Payton offense better than Jameis Winston will. Maybe Brees realizes he’d instantly be the best option for the Seahawks, the Panthers, the Texans, or (sorry, TuAnon) the Dolphins.

Regardless, Brees said what he said. As reporters and others try to walk it back, Brees started the fire. If he wanted to put it out, he could.