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Players will have a more limited range of helmet messages this year

Raiders QB Derek Carr wants to play until he's 45 years old, but the bigger question is if there would still be interest in him 15 years from now.

Last year, the NFL gave players a wide degree of latitude for selecting messages or names to put on the white pad at the back of their helmets. This year, the program continues, with some changes.

Per a source with knowledge of the plan, the approach for 2020 includes each team receiving a selection of phrases from which the players can choose. Players can have a different phrase each week, if they want.

The details are still being finalized, which means that revisions can still be made. However, it appears that we won’t see the specific names of the victims of police violence in 2021, with a menu of pre-determined messages sent from the league to the teams, and then from the teams to the players.